
Hebrews 13:15 “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that confess his name.”

I am called to continually give evidence. My life demonstrates whether God is real and to be believed and followed, or just an artifact of my culture or family background. Francis of Assisi said, “Share the gospel always. When necessary, use words.” But this verse in Hebrews teaches that I must use words to accompany my actions. Confessing the name of Jesus not only communicates the gospel, but is a sacrificial offering of praise to God.

Father, thank you for opportunities to share my faith at work. Please increase my wisdom and boldness in confessing your name. May my actions and words bear fruit so that you receive honor and so that souls are brought to Jesus. Please use me to make disciples who, in turn, introduce others to Jesus Christ.