With Everything You’ve Got

Colossians 3:23-24 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men … it is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

Life goes a lot better when I direct my energy and efforts to the honor and purposes of God. With this attitude of mind, the lowliest task takes on dignity and I discover deep motivation even in frustrating conditions and among exasperating people. It is a glorious thing to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, working for him with all my heart. And it is a guard against working fawningly for a powerful boss, for greedy gain, for selfish ambition, or to the point of neglecting God or my family and friends. I have freedom when I understand that I am not a slave to any human being – not even to myself. God calls me to serve him.

Father, help me today in everything I do to work at it with all my heart, pursuing excellence and producing exceptional output – because you are worthy of my best.