Wisdom and Humility

Proverbs 16:33 “The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes before honor.”

Humility is a prerequisite to honor. There is no honor in haughty acts and words or in foolish attempts to puff myself up (see Proverbs 18:12). So how do I learn true humility? I learn it by putting my focus on God and his purposes, by understanding my sinfulness in absolute contrast to his holiness, by seeing my hopelessness and helplessness without him, by growing in gratitude for all he has done to rescue me, by giving him the honor and reverence he deserves, by waiting for his guidance instead of going my own way, and by obeying the teachings of his Word. This is the fear of the Lord, i.e., taking God seriously. In this I learn wisdom, and with it, humility.

Father, before I intentionally began to apply your wisdom to how I thought about my career, my heart was indeed proud. And I will experience more career disappointments and frustrations in the future if I begin to think too highly of myself. Please protect me from pride and a sensitive ego. No matter the position or salary or duration of employment in any job, I trust in you for the path you have planned for me.