What to Do with Insults

1 Peter 3:9-11 “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing … keep [your] tongue from evil and [your] lips from deceitful speech … do good … seek peace.”

Jesus prayed for the forgiveness of his enemies. He did not retaliate against his persecutors. When he did speak harshly, he spoke against religious leaders who misled others, who puffed themselves up, and who twisted truth into lies. Following Christ’s example, I must respond to personal slights and mockeries by returning a blessing to those who despise me because of my faith. I must continually see the big picture of God’s grace penetrating a hostile and blind world, acting as his emissary to bring light and peace into situations that would otherwise spiral ever downward into more evil.

Father, thank you that I don’t need to defend myself. You defend me. You protect me. You have always brought me safely through difficult and dark times. May I trust you in every conflict and when I’m under attack. Please strengthen me to repay insults with blessings, to speak truth, to do good, to pursue peace.