What This Blog Is About

Proverbs 8:32-36 “Now then, my children, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not disregard it. Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord. But those who fail to find me harm themselves; all who hate me love death.”

These verses are at the core of what this blog is about: finding life and experiencing God’s favor. Who doesn’t want those things? But how many people really have them? The key is to “find” wisdom and this is done by paying attention to God’s instruction and keeping his ways, i.e., intentional effort to study the Bible and apply its teachings. God invites me to listen, watch, wait, follow, and be wise. By definition, God’s ways are different than my default approach to living my life. If I continue in my natural, instinctive ways I will never know what it means to experience God’s life and favor. In fact, these verses insist that by ignoring God’s wisdom I harm myself.

Psalm 37:4 “Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

My deepest longings – the desires of my heart – can only be satisfied when I delight in God. I will never find true and lasting satisfaction any other way, not in career, achievement, money, possessions, status, awards, fame, or popularity. All those things not only fall short of my innermost desires, but they can inflict damage on my soul if they distract me and waste my time and energy and relationships in the service and pursuit of empty promises.

Note the verb “take,” meaning I must actively and intentionally take delight in the Lord. What does this look like? I think it starts with gratitude for the many ways God cares for my life and even for the hard places he takes me through. And, of course, gratitude for loving me unconditionally and saving me through the blood of Christ. Taking delight includes seeking him in study and prayer, worshiping him, and enjoying the community of believers. It ultimately means finding my life purpose and meaning in him.

The other verb in this verse is “give.” That’s what the great Giver does. He who holds the universe together, who continually and generously offers life, wants to give to me personally the desires of my heart. He placed those deepest desires in me and they will be satisfied with nothing less than himself. When I take a breath to ponder this, it is so astonishing I can barely comprehend it.

What lies ahead in 2021 only God knows. But I’m excited to share Scriptural insights that help us find God in our work. Expect brief posts every weekday, as in 2019, with occasional mid-sized posts reflecting on current events. I invite you to subscribe and join me on this journey. May God bless you and yours in 2021.

Father, I desire your life, your blessing, your favor in 2021 for me and for my family. Though we may experience great joys along with trials and difficulties in the year ahead, I know you are with us and that you imbue purpose into everything you bring into the lives of your followers.