What Is Talent For?

1 Peter 4:10 “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”

God has distributed among human beings inborn talents and aptitudes, along with capacity to advance those over a lifetime. But he did not give us these things to gratify our selfish ambitions. Too often I’ve seen Christians who are especially gifted in leadership or administration or strategy or creativity pour all of their gifts into their job in order to achieve great wealth or status – but they neglect to use their gifts for the benefit of others, the church, and God’s kingdom purposes. This is a tragic waste. There is much joy – and eternal impact – when I faithfully serve God with the unique set of talents he has given me.

Father, please direct the gifts you have given me to serve others. Use me today at work and at home to experience the joy of serving others as a good steward of your grace. All for your glory.