What is Man?

Psalm 144:3-4 “O Lord, what is man that you care for him, the son of man that you think of him? Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow.”

God made us for eternity. In every man and woman this knowledge exists deep down. But the tragedy is how the vast majority of humankind seeks to satisfy eternal urges with temporal and empty pursuits instead of seeking to know the Creator. The world is full of people striving to make their mark, gain prestige, acquire wealth that exceeds that of their neighbors’, and pursue the latest health fad in vain hope of defeating old age and even death. Yet compared to eternity, a human life is like a breath and a fleeting shadow. It is remarkable that God cares for us and thinks about us. But he does.

Father, let me keep these truths in mind today – that I am made for eternity, yet today may be my last day on earth. Please make this day count. Thank you that you care about me and that I am on your mind. This is beyond my comprehension, yet I rejoice to know it. Use me today in ways that matter, for your purposes and for your glory.