What Are My Motives?

James 4:2b-3 “You quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”

Asking God with wrong motives is a form of legalism. My prayers may appear outwardly devout, but inwardly can be self-centered and dishonorable toward God. This is no better than the heedless person who fails to ask God for anything but lives in a kind of false independence. In fact, the legalism is probably worse because it deceives me into thinking I am obeying and honoring God when I am really seeking to satisfy my own cravings, albeit in a pious way.

Father, please purify my motives at work, in volunteer ministry, in relationships, in all things. Every day I depend on you for guidance, wisdom, fresh manna, opportunities to communicate the gospel, decisions in my job, Christ-like attitude with all people in every situation, and even such simple things as food and rest. Without this daily, hourly dependence I would certainly go astray. Please show me where my motives are corrupt and self-centered. Teach me where I have wandered from your path and please lead me back.