Truth Telling

Proverbs 25:13 “Trustworthy messengers refresh like snow in summer. They revive the spirit of their employer.”

To be a trustworthy messenger takes courage. People don’t want to hear bad news or results that are different from expectations. Yet, the one who is willing to examine the facts and tell the truth provides inestimable value to his employer. The timid, the sycophants, the people-pleasers and flatterers fail to deliver what’s needed and they pave the road to failure. No organization can succeed for long without truth-tellers. A good leader recognizes this and even finds refreshment in receiving the unvarnished facts from a trustworthy man or woman.

Father, in my role in analytics I want to use data to convey the truth in a way that refreshes my company and leads to continuous improvements. Help me do the same as an elder at church, in my men’s group, and among my family members and friends. And help me receive constructive feedback from them in the same way so that I never stagnate in my walk with you.