The Ultimate Inside Track

Psalm 5:12 “For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.”

This psalm makes it clear that God desires to bless his people and surround them with favor and protection. But if I choose to go my own way – arrogant, doing wrong, telling lies (5:5-6) – God will oppose me. In contrast, a righteous man prays and waits in expectation (5:1-3) and takes refuge in God (5:11). This is living in dependence on God – and it opens the door to his blessings and favor.

Father, I want to live in daily dependence upon you. Truly you have blessed my life and given me favor in relationships, health, work, and ministry. I am unworthy of it all, but immensely grateful for your grace toward me, my wife, and my children. From this place of favor, please use us to build your kingdom, to be fruitful in making disciples, and to battle evil in all its forms.