The Servant’s Calling

John 13:14-17 “Wash one another’s feet. … No servant is greater than his master.”

Jesus set an example “that you should do as I have done for you.” That means humbling myself to serve others. It means not seeking high things for myself, nor avoiding low things, but plunging into any work God calls me to do. “You will be blessed if you do them.” (John 13:17).

Father, I’m inclined to consider if some ministry is a “fit” for the interests, experiences, and gifts you’ve given me. Yet I know that line of thinking can go too far so that I reject opportunities you bring to me (or flat out disobey your leading) because it’s uncomfortable, or “off-strategy”, or too basic. Yet Jesus, the Eternal Word, the Creator of the universe, knowing his power and authority (13:3) and knowing the treachery about to engulf him (13:2), poured water into a basin and washed his disciples’ feet – considered the lowliest of tasks. Please remind me of this astonishing example so that I obey your leading wherever you take me today.


A message to my readers: So far in 2021, the auto-posting feature of my blog has been inconsistent when connecting with Facebook and LinkedIn, requiring that I manually post on those social media sites. It’s not a sustainable way to run a daily blog. So, this will be my last week posting to Facebook and LinkedIn. I will continue to post on and email subscribers. If you are a reader on Facebook or LinkedIn but are not yet receiving posts in your inbox, please make sure to subscribe (it’s free) so you can continue to receive these posts beyond the end of January.