The Lofty Expectation for Everything

1 Peter 1:15 “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.”

A holy life is unstained by chronic sin. It is pure, consecrated to God, above reproach, filled with integrity, and quick to repent of wrongdoing, never allowing even the smallest sin to take root and grow. God’s holiness is far beyond this, of course, because in him there is no sin. But to the extent I yield my life to Christ, holiness can impact everything in and around me: thought, action, intent, attitude, goals, job, career, home, family, friendships. It is the loftiest of expectations: God wants me to be holy in all I do.

Father, though it seems impossible, you want me to live a thoroughly holy life in everything I do. Thank you for never ceasing to work on me to make me more like Jesus. It is only by your miraculous grace and the power of the Holy Spirit that I can live a holy life today.