The Human Heart is an Idol Factory

1 John 5:21 “Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.”

An idol is anything that I put in place of God, anything I set expectations on that only God can fulfill. Human beings easily and frequently slip into idolatry; it is our fallen nature to do so. We expect material things, achievements, and certain kinds of people to bring us joy, purpose, love, satisfaction, worth, hope, peace. We invest enormous amounts of time, effort, and money into these idols. Yet only God can deliver on what we most long for and fill the emptiness in our souls. Every day I must consciously and intentionally examine my life and then make choices to defeat this urge toward idolatry.

Father, show me where I have erected an idol in my life. Please topple it from its high place and destroy it. Transform my thinking so that I center my hopes and affections on you.