Success and Victory

Proverbs 21:30-31 “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. The horse is made ready for the day of battle but victory rests with the Lord.”

God will always win. No amount of human or supernatural cleverness, no strength of will, no defiance, no trickery can alter the course that God has set. And that is a great comfort because God’s ways lead to life, meaning, joy, and love. All other ways and plans ultimately lead to misery, alienation, nihilism, and death. For the one who follows God, verse 31 can be interpreted like this: get the horse ready, but trust God for the result.

Father, I trust you. I know from your Word – and from decades of experiencing your loving guidance – that you have a plan for me. You are not caught by surprise about upheavals around me. You have known about these things all along and will lead me through them. Now, I’m waiting for you to reveal the next step. Please keep my heart and mind attuned to your voice. I trust you for the victory.