Rich Man’s Syndrome

Proverbs 28:11 “A rich man may be wise in his own eyes, but a poor man who has discernment sees through him.”

There is often no correlation between wealth and wisdom. But that doesn’t stop some rich people from thinking themselves wiser than others in every type of decision, not just financial. Extrapolating this way becomes a great danger for the wealthy Christian if he lets his wealth blind him to learning from or even recognizing wisdom in others who have less materially. This is classic RMS (Rich Man’s Syndrome): unthinkingly attributing great wisdom to anyone with great wealth, or mistaking one’s own wealth for great wisdom in all things. Many poor people, on the other hand, equally lack wisdom because their lives are a series of foolish choices. But there are poor men and men of limited worldly success who have great wisdom, who can see through the pride of others, and who can offer discernment. Many missionaries serving internationally and in the inner city, many teachers, many pastors, and many in service occupations will never become rich in things but possess riches of wisdom and have much to offer the Body of Christ.

Father, thank you for blessing me and my family with financial stability. You have done it – and continue to do it – gradually, providing just enough at all times so that I learn to trust you at all times. Yet there is danger if I begin to take credit for the blessings and become wise in my own eyes. Please keep me from such foolishness. I ask for your discernment and true wisdom today.