Never Give Up

Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Weariness from hard work can be easily fixed with a good rest. But the type of weariness described here is more than physical. There can be a kind of hopelessness in doing good and not seeing any fruit come from it, of praying diligently and seeing nothing change for the better, of your love and service squandered. Yet that comes out of our human, limited perspective. The key words here are: “at the proper time” (God’s chosen time) and “if we do not give up” (God wants us to be faithful partners in his work). This is the promise: we will reap a harvest.

Father, your timing is perfect and your ways will succeed. I desire to be part of that harvest – your harvest. Please keep me from the temptation to give up. Please remind me to persevere, to walk in dependence upon you, to listen for your voice, to obey your guidance, to gratefully see the early harvests all around me. Please make me fruitful today for your glory.