Peace in the Time of Coronavirus

Psalm 4:8 “I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”

Psalm 23:4 “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.”

God gives many promises throughout Scripture of his protection and answers to prayer. Yet, here we are, in the middle of the coronavirus/COVID-19 panic with no end in sight. The US president has declared a national emergency, the stock market is plummeting, schools are closed and sporting events cancelled, shoppers are emptying grocery store shelves, businesses are refusing visitors and sending workers home, and many churches have closed for the next several Sundays. No human being knows how this will end. The virus could rapidly recede so that we barely remember it two years from now, or continue to accelerate and claim millions of lives before it runs its course.

In one of the Bible’s most familiar chapters, Psalm 23, we find phrases like “green pastures” and “quiet waters.” But, right there in the middle of the psalm is a depiction of walking through the valley of the shadow of death. God doesn’t prevent us from enduring the consequences of living in a fallen world. Receiving Christ’s forgiveness and following him won’t magically return me to Eden. I must still grapple with evil, disease, and death. I have to take precautions about the virus, just as it’s wise to lock doors, use complex passwords, and avoid scams. But the point of the Psalm is that I don’t have to live in fear. God is with me. Even during a world-wide crisis I can lie down and sleep in peace knowing that God alone makes me dwell in safety. If he allows the virus to engulf my country, my city, my family, or me, I am still in his hands and will continue to pray for this to end. Even in suffering, God is still with me no matter what happens. And he is still in control.

Father, we humans can fool ourselves into thinking ourselves wise and invincible. Yet, once again, a growing calamity reveals our ultimate helplessness. Please give wisdom and insight to the scientists fighting this virus, please destroy it, and keep us safe. Show me how to honor you and serve others in this exceptional time of crisis and uncertainty. To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen.

This week: Who can you call to encourage this week? Who needs your prayers? Who might need a kind word, essential supplies, or financial help? Consider praying through Psalm 4, 23, and/or 91 multiple times this week. Invite your family or a friend to join you in prayer. Meditate on God’s promises and fight evil – but don’t fear it.