Not to Please Myself

John 5:30b “I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.”

These are Jesus’s words. He sought to please the Father. Jesus fulfilled his commission on earth in every detail, suffering everything foretold, and not shrinking back from what he was sent to do. The result is redemption, salvation, and lives filled and indwelt permanently with God’s Spirit. Jesus prayed, “not my will, but yours.” (Luke 22:42)

Father, Please make me more like your Son today. So often my motives are to please myself. When I’m preoccupied with pleasing myself, I miss opportunities to please you which is not only right and good, put the way to truly live and have purpose and joy. Striving to please myself never satisfies. But seeking to please you not only accomplishes your eternal purposes but also brings genuine, lasting satisfaction. Please use me today at work and home and wherever you send me.