No Retaliation, No Threats

1 Peter 2:23 “When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.”

Jesus Christ, our leader and ultimate example, the focus of our faith, the all-powerful God – when he faced insults, suffering, injustice, and abuse, saw the larger purpose and entrusted himself to the Father. He could have lashed out. He could have crushed his enemies. But he willingly endured suffering and even death for the greater purpose of saving us (I Peter 2:24-25). As his follower, I must keep the same perspective in the face of opposition, understanding the purpose to which God has called me and entrusting myself entirely to him.

Father, thank you for your astonishing love expressed in Jesus’ death on the cross for my sins. You held nothing back in your quest to offer a way of salvation for fallen humanity – justice and mercy together without compromise. I entrust myself to you. Please give me the wisdom to listen for your voice and to obey you today, no matter the cost. It’s not about my purposes, but about yours.