Never Lie

Proverbs 20:10 “Differing weights and differing measures – the Lord detests them both.”

Proverbs 21:6 “A fortune made by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor and a deadly snare.”

Satan is the father of lies. All the sin, grief, suffering, and evil in this world is a direct consequence of that first lie spoken in the Garden. No follower of Jesus Christ can allow even the slightest shade of dishonesty in his life. To lie is to abandon trust in God and to choose, in a small but certain way, a path that leads away from God and his goodness. These proverbs talk about dishonesty related to acquiring wealth and misleading others in business transactions. How much better to be poor or moderate in income while remaining a man of integrity, a man of his word, a man who pleases God.

Father, please guard my tongue and my heart from dishonesty. Keep me from yielding to the temptation to position myself in a way that makes me look impressive in the eyes of others. Please prevent such foolishness and deceit. Help me to always trust in you.