Humility, Wisdom, and the Good Life

James 3:13 “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”

Humility comes from wisdom. They are inextricably linked. A truly wise man cannot be egotistical. And he cannot be passive or only theoretical about what he understands. He must live out his wisdom and understanding by a good life and through actions (deeds). The world does not lack for intelligence and knowledge, but it desperately lacks wisdom and understanding. Some of the smartest and most “successful” people in government, academia, and business are utterly foolish in their understanding, yet they are treated by the media and popular culture as examples to learn from and follow. This is nonsense. It doesn’t take much effort to look beyond the hype and observe the devastation in their personal lives and families, not to mention the long-term health of the organizations they lead. Is this something to aspire toward?

Father, please increase my wisdom, understanding, and humility so that you may be glorified and your purposes accomplished. You have taught me cautionary lessons through observing several high executives whom I’ve worked for who saw themselves as wise and mature Christians, but whose lives were characterized by hubris, disdain for other people, and selfish ambition that severely damaged their testimony for Christ. If anything, their attitudes and behaviors repelled non-Christians from the faith. Thank you for the rare ones who refuse to live that way.