How to Know What to Do Next

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.”

God asks that I fully trust him in everything. If I do that, he promises to guide me – to make my paths straight. This may mean that he reveals his direction in an obvious way vs. other alternatives or, at least, he makes the next step clear. Sometimes the path he gives me may seem counterintuitive to my own expectations or preferences, i.e., it doesn’t fit my understanding of what I think is the best path. This is when I must not “lean” on my own understanding of things. It is good to seek to understand, but my limited interpretations and analyses must never lead to disobedience or fear or attempts at going my own way instead of trusting God. To truly depend on God is to trust him and seek him and follow him.

Father, thank you for your guidance. So many times I have been surprised – even disappointed – by your direction when I had a different idea of how things should go (promotion, job changes, church roles, areas of service, etc.). But, every time, I’ve seen your grace and blessing when I’ve followed and trusted you. Now is no different. I cherish your lessons about dependence, learning more about your love for me, for Dawn, and for our children and grandchildren. To you be all praise.