Hope in Time of Insanity

Isaiah 49:23 “I am the LORD; those who hope in me will not be disappointed.”

It’s easy to sink into discouragement at the rage, violence, and anarchy afflicting cities across America. As a descendant of Hungarians who survived the twin evils of Nazism and Socialism, and having personally lived for several years inside the totalitarian regime of China, I take what is happening here very seriously. Voicing truth (or even common sense) is dangerous in today’s atmosphere of self-induced suppression of speech and thought. It can feel like the gloom of Orwell’s 1984 has already begun to enshroud the freest and best nation on earth.

Discouragement is a natural reaction, of course, but I must never let it consume me. It will, though, if I place all my hope in a human leader, political party, or any man-made institution. Or in myself. God uses good and bad political leaders to accomplish his divine purposes on earth (you can find many examples throughout the Old and New Testaments), but no matter the circumstances, I must place my ultimate hope in God himself.

God promises that those who hope in him will not be disappointed. This does not mean everything will go smoothly, my favorite candidate will win the election, and righteous policies will sweep away all that has been wasteful and destructive. It does mean that God will accomplish his purposes in me and around me. And in the inevitable turmoil, he will fight on the behalf of his people: Isaiah 49:25 “I will contend with those who contend with you.”

Father, let me never forget that you are the all-powerful God. I place my full hope in you, trusting that your purposes are being achieved even through discouraging events filling the news every day. No human evil takes you by surprise; your Son carried it all on the cross. Please use me to communicate the hope I have in Jesus Christ with someone this week.


This week: In a mid-July post I shared a prayer I’d memorized from Isaiah 33:2-3 that I’ve continued to pray every morning before leaving my bed. Here is another I’ve memorized. These are God’s words spoken in the time of Isaiah. Look at a glorious imagery the Creator uses here. My prayer – and invitation for you to pray with me – is for God to speak these words over the earth today.

Isaiah 45:8

You heavens above,
rain down righteousness;
let the clouds shower it down.
Let the earth open wide,
let salvation spring up,
let righteousness grow with it;
I, the Lord, have created it.


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