Haughty Eyes and a Proud Heart

Psalm 101:5b “Whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart, him I will not endure.”

God will not put up with self-important human beings. It is not an exaggeration to say that many of the people who dominate government, business, media, entertainment, and education are faithless, haughty, deceitful, perverse, slandering, scheming, and eager to propagate evil. It’s the world system vs. God. It’s been this way to one degree or another since the first man and woman chose to disobey God at the dawn of humanity. Like the Psalmist, I must not endure haughtiness in myself or in the people and society around me.

Father, please bring revival. We have lost our way and the world seems to be accelerating toward the abyss. Please protect your people and make us wiser and more fruitful in winning souls for your Kingdom.