Even with Today’s Uncertainties, Refuse to Worry

Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

As the prolonged COVID-19 saga brings stress, inconvenience, and interrupted income for many, it is important for followers of Christ to remember that God wants us to depend on him. Today I’m reposting an entry from July 2019.

How to enjoy God’s peace? Refuse to worry about a given situation. Pray. Thank God. Ask God for help. God’s peace will come, defying explanation. God’s peace is a protection for his followers, guarding both heart (will) and mind (thoughts). Without seeking peace from God in every situation – without continually placing my dependence on him – I leave myself vulnerable to the Enemy’s attacks. Maybe rejection of God’s peace explains, in part, the growing popularity of antidepressants in our society.

Father, thank you for the clear simplicity of these verses. Anxiety does not honor you. Please fill me with your Spirit today and remind me to pray about everything with gratitude, always finding my hope and protection in you.


This week: Part of Sabbath rest is stepping away from workday preoccupations to spend extra time reflecting on God’s goodness, provision, and care. It is a great day for a long walk with a spouse, family member, or friend to talk and pray. It is a great day for extended study of the Scriptures. Here’s a recent article on this topic as it relates to COVID-19. It’s well worth the read:  https://stream.org/the-shutdown-the-sabbath-and-a-weekly-divine-reset/.