Dissolving the Smokescreen

Psalm 18:25-27 “To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless, to the pure you show yourself pure, but to the crooked you show yourself shrewd. You save the humble but bring low those whose eyes are haughty.”

The word “shrewd” means astute, sharp in judging matters, perceptive. God can see through any crooked scheme, guise, or attitude; he is never fooled. The humble man knows he is imperfect and depends on God. The haughty man thinks he is worthy and can do it all himself. God lifts up the first man but brings down the second in order to dissolve the smokescreen of self-deception. God knows my heart to the very core of my will and motivations.

Father, thank you for your patience and kindness, welcoming anyone who seeks you, anyone who takes a step to obey your teachings. You are faithful in even things I take for granted like annually transforming the seasons from summer to fall to winter (and knowing that spring lies ahead). May my life reflect more of your faithfulness and holiness in all that I do today.


Consider giving a gift this Christmas that delivers dividends all year long. These daily posts are now in book form and available on Amazon.com. Entitled God’s Measure of Success, this 285-page handbook gives biblical insights for every weekday of the year. Which friend, son, daughter, sibling, or colleague would benefit from practical biblical wisdom on life and career?