Default vs. Generosity

Psalm 37:21 “The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously.”

In modern America there are vast numbers of college students and mortgagees who do not – and will not – repay their loans. They default and walk away. It is so common that even the social stigma has all but disappeared from such actions. Yet the Bible is clear: to not repay a loan is wickedness. It is a form of evil. God wants us to take all of our promises very seriously. To do otherwise is to yield to Satan (the father of lies) instead of to God and his provision. In great contrast is the righteous person who not only faithfully repays debt, but gives generously to help others.

Father, thank you for your instruction to live within the means you have given me and my family. Thank you for your loving generosity, always providing, always making a way when things were tight and the future uncertain. May I give generously every day of my life as you have taught me to do from my very first paycheck. I have regretted purchases, but have never regretted repaying loans or giving to others.