Losing Power

Proverbs 11:7 “When a wicked man dies his hope perishes; all he expected from his power comes to nothing.”

The craving for power can be an all-consuming motivator, driving a man to great sacrifice resulting in the loss of health, family, friendships, sleep, privacy, peace, and contentment. Everything good is deemed expendable for the cause of gaining more power. But to what end? All that was gained is lost when the power-seeker dies. And because of the foolish pursuit of selfish ends, the memory of the person is bitter to those who cannot bring themselves to mourn his death. This proverb warns against wasting one’s life. Most importantly, we will all face God’s judgment. Only those who trust in Christ and not in themselves will receive life. The power-seeker loses more than just his “success” on earth. He loses his soul.

Father, so many leaders, especially in politics, are unashamedly, blatantly power hungry. Some are, by almost any definition in Scripture, wicked. Why do people follow and put their hopes in such despicable tyrants? Why are we so blind to the truth? I ask that you stir up people to seek truth, not power; to examine their lives and find forgiveness and hope in Jesus.