Chosen for a Purpose

1 Peter 2:9 “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

God chose me and desires to transform me to be more and more like himself (2 Corinthians 3:18). He wants me to join him in his work on this earth to lift up Jesus (John 12:32) so that people escape the darkness and enter the light of his salvation. God chose me not because of any merit in myself but because of his grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). Yet he still allows me the choice to obey him and declare his praises, or to succumb to self-centeredness, craving for recognition, seeking status, and numbing myself with amusements. Those are distractions that render me powerless and drain me from true life and eternal purpose.

Father, please fill me with your Spirit today. I want to fulfill your purposes and declare your praises. Thank you for choosing me and rescuing me, a sinner lost in darkness. Please use me and my family to bring the love and forgiveness you offer through your Son, Jesus Christ.


A message to my readers: So far in 2021, the auto-posting feature of my blog has been inconsistent when connecting with Facebook and LinkedIn, requiring that I manually post on those social media sites. It’s not a sustainable way to run a daily blog. So, this will be my last week posting to Facebook and LinkedIn. I will continue to post on and email subscribers. If you are a reader on Facebook or LinkedIn but are not yet receiving posts in your inbox, please make sure to subscribe (it’s free) so you can continue to receive these posts beyond the end of January.