Who Are You Imitating?

3 John 11 “Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.”

Sometimes a Christian will justify small compromises with evil because he claims such actions are necessary to further a higher goal. I have seen this in the corporate world through those who rationalize their overwork, self-promotion, flattery, misrepresenting truth, bombastic statements, and scheming to be in the club of “important” people. They try to validate these behaviors because “that’s how it’s done to get ahead” or “it’s naïve to do otherwise” or “this is what successful people have coached me to do.” All of this is merely imitating evil. I am called to reflect Jesus Christ in my workplace, to be a light in darkness, to do good. Anything less is to misrepresent God and mutilate his character in front of a watching world.

Father, I want to do good today. Prevent me from giving any foothold to evil, but help me continually glorify you in my thoughts, words, and actions. In the thickness of challenges at work today, please give me wisdom to make the right decisions and to lead others as you want me to lead them. I ask that you give me your favor, regardless of earthly rewards. All for your praise.