About This Blog

This blog is for all who want to find more in their jobs and their lives – more than just climbing the ladder and getting stressed. Although, in places, this blog will speak primarily to men, husbands, and fathers, its Scriptural truths are relevant to any Christian man or woman who is serious about pursuing God’s ways and finding true life.

“For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” – Matthew 7:14

Here are three ways to benefit from this blog:

  1. Good (5 minutes/day): Subscribe by email and read this blog every working day. Take a moment after each reading to reflect and pray, asking God to show you his direction for the day ahead.
  2. Better (10 minutes/day): In addition to the above, write out a prayer of reflection. You will find that doing this small bit of writing every day, preferably in the morning, will reinforce what you’re learning and allow God’s truth to penetrate your life more deeply.
  3. Best (15-20 minutes/day): Read the day’s verse and jot down your thoughts, observations, questions in a daily journal. For me, this typically fills most of one journal page (my journal has pages about half the size of a sheet of printer paper). At the end of each entry, as above, write out a short prayer. If you’re using this approach it’s entirely optional to read my commentary because you’ll be digging into these truths on your own initiative!

If you do any of the above regularly, please drop me a note. I’d love to hear from you.

God bless you as you seek Him,

Steve Marosi

P.S. If you’d like to learn more about why I wrote this blog (and a brief bio), click here.