Actively Engaged in Peace

Hebrews 12:14 “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy.”

Living peacefully with others is not the passive result of happy accident. It requires effort and intention. Holiness requires the same. God wants to fill me with his Spirit and prepare me with everything I need to live like Christ. But I must be actively engaged. This is what it means to obey the greatest commandment: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.” (Mark 12:30). As for living in peace with all men, this includes even those who oppose truth, who are self-righteous, who are blind and lost and angry and confused: religious extremists, hedonists, social climbers, atheists, racists, grievance-mongers, etc. I must look for ways to bring peace to the table wherever and whenever possible (Romans 12:18).

Father, as I conduct my work, make proposals, participate in meetings, and interact with individuals today, please make me a man of peace. Show me even how to live peacefully with those who oppose you so that they pause and listen and come to understand your astonishing love for them.