Different Kinds of Service

1 Corinthians 12:4-6 “Different kinds of gifts but the same Spirit … different kinds of service but the same Lord … different kinds of working but the same God works all of them in all men.”

From time to time I long for other kinds of service and other kinds of work, especially the kind that places me in a more direct and measurable kingdom ministry. All the energy, time, and thought I spend contributing to a business producing products and services seems so trivial in the context of eternity. Yet these verses, though primarily about using spiritual gifts, also illuminate the truth that God has not called every one of his children to the exact same thing. God wants to use me where he has placed me. I must trust that he has an objective in keeping me firmly planted in the business world and that he will accomplish his purposes in and through me wherever this job takes me.

Father, I want to work with excellence, yet not to seek glory for myself. Please use me today to impact a life for eternity. Give me the opportunity to share your gospel message with someone, a person you have already prepared in advance. Holy Spirit, I give you priority over every aspect of this day.


Consider giving a gift this Christmas that delivers dividends all year long. These daily posts are now in book form and available on Amazon.com. Entitled God’s Measure of Success, this 285-page handbook gives biblical insights for every weekday of the year. Which friend, son, daughter, sibling, or colleague would benefit from practical biblical wisdom on life and career?