What Delights God

Psalm 147:10-11 “His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man; the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.”

God is not impressed by anyone’s looks, athleticism, accomplishments, resume, education, rank, connections, or bank account. All my pursuits are empty if done for self, status, and personal glory. How can I bring God delight? To fear God means to take him seriously. I must choose to trust him, honor him with my obedience, and put my hope in his unfailing love. Humbly following after God brings him pleasure and brings me the delight of being rightly related to my Creator. All of life fits together. No matter the external trouble, I find shalom (well-being, peace, wholeness).

Father, I put my hope in your unfailing love. You laid down your life to save me from the punishment and wrath I deserve. You gave me new life in exchange for a wretched ruin; beauty for ashes.


Consider giving a gift this Christmas that delivers dividends all year long. These daily posts are now in book form and available on Amazon.com. Entitled God’s Measure of Success, this 285-page handbook gives biblical insights for every weekday of the year. Which friend, son, daughter, sibling, or colleague would benefit from practical biblical wisdom on life and career?