Love and Action

Romans 5:8 “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

While we were rebelling, mocking, lying, harming others, and serving ourselves, God put his love into action for our good. This is how I must see others: as sinners (like me) whom Jesus came to save. This is true no matter how hopeless any situation might seem. This means that terrorists who celebrate their cult of death and abortionists who routinely slaughter the innocent and totalitarians who try to eclipse God are among those who Jesus died to save. And some of them at this very moment are turning from evil and coming to faith in Jesus.

Father, Please fill this earth with the knowledge of your glory. Please bring transformation to all who are trapped in their hatred and cruelty. Fill your followers with boldness, grace, and generosity, remembering that we were once like them, enslaved, rebellious, and lost. But now, by your grace, we are free!