Living as a Stranger

1 Peter 1:17 “Since you call on a Father who judges each man’s work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear.”

God judges my work as an individual. This is an ongoing, impartial evaluation of my stewardship – what I do with the talents, relationships, and resources God has entrusted to me. With this stewardship comes a risk that I will not just neglect my responsibilities but that I will exploit what God has given me and immerse myself in pleasure, status, pride, and self-centeredness. The daily remedy is to live as a stranger on earth, a good steward who knows my purpose and calling is to live for the Master, not for the counterfeit rewards of this world. This is the only path to real meaning.

Father, please keep my goals, desires, and plans centered on you. I want to live in a way that makes a difference for your eternal kingdom.