Princes and Other Mortals

Psalm 146:3 “Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men who cannot save.”

God is worthy of my complete trust. To place my hope in any human being in a way that takes the place of God is to invite disaster. Human beings will fail us. Powerful human beings (“princes”, political leaders, executives, movie stars, etc.) in all too many cases have gained their power through unrelenting focus on themselves and their own success. At times they may give the impression of caring about people in their charge, but under pressure, most choose for their own personal advantage at the expense of others. I have seen this kind of betrayal time and again over the years. God is never like that. He proved his trustworthiness on the cross. He made the ultimate sacrifice for the benefit of others. Jesus alone can save.

Father, I trust you. I trust you in my job and what awaits me in the future. I am grateful for strong leaders and encouraging mentors, but never let me put a human being in your place. And please protect me from all who bring duplicity and treachery into the workplace. O Lord, make their schemes fail.