Success and God

Psalm 2:10-11 “Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling.”

Why is it that kings, presidents, generals, media moguls, CEOs, Nobel Prize winners, and other “rulers of the earth” rarely acknowledge God? Even fewer humble themselves before him and serve him. Most human beings who have found worldly success, by the very nature of that success, seal themselves off from the wisdom, grace, and joy that comes from God. Their success blocks them from the life they are truly seeking whether they admit it or not. Success blinds them and burnishes their pride and closes their ears to God’s voice. Yet, no matter their accomplishments, life keeps feeling hollow and pointless. So they keep searching for meaning and peace and significance everywhere but the one place it can only be found: in knowing the forgiveness and love of our Creator through the saving blood of Jesus Christ.

Father, please awaken human beings from their self-centered dreams of power so that they humble themselves before you. The earth is filled with strife, fools in leadership, and nearly everyone doing what is right in his own eyes. In this country the vast majority have turned away from truth and it is reflected in the multiplying ills of society. Amid this sense of doom may your church shine even brighter. Please bring revival to our land.


NEW!  These daily posts are now in book form and available on Entitled God’s Measure of Success, this 285-page handbook gives biblical insights for every weekday of the year. Consider giving a copy to a friend, son, father, brother, or anyone who desires practical wisdom for their life and career. It would make a great Christmas gift, too!