Wisdom Worth All You Have

Proverbs 4:7 “Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.”

Wisdom is far more than the accumulation of facts and data – though wisdom must be based on objective truth. Beginning with facts and observations to gain understanding takes focus and effort. It requires asking questions and listening, removing biases and assumptions, going beyond society’s accepted dogmas. Most of all it means humbly approaching God’s Word, studying it daily, and obeying its teachings. The result will be well worth everything you put into it: a life lived in harmony with God.

Father, thank you for the treasures in your Word, the Bible. Thank you for giving wisdom to all who seek it and for the work of your Holy Spirit to constantly teach and guide. I ask that you would bring more of your followers into reading and studying your Word every day and that you create a thirst for truth among all people so they begin to hear your voice and come to faith in you. Please flood this nation – and all of the West which is rapidly forgetting all knowledge of you – with revival and transformation. And please upend the works of evil in the many corners of the world where the darkness seems impenetrable. This world needs to know your love and the astonishing Good News of the gospel. Please make me fruitful in witness today and every day. Amen.