Words and Wildfires

James 3:5 “Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.”

What am I boasting about? What am I congratulating myself about? Who am I comparing myself to so that I put myself in a favorable light? And how are my careless words starting wildfires? Professional athletes, business leaders, and politicians are notorious for extravagant boasts. They think it acceptable, even admirable in a twisted way, to swagger and strut. But underneath is toxic, sometimes even borderline psychopathic, self-centeredness and hubris that destroys the person himself as much or more than it harms others.

Father, keep me from the temptation to boast. Please remind me that you and you alone are the reason for any and all good things in my life. Please guard my tongue today.