Where Wisdom Begins

Psalm 111:10 β€œThe fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.”

There is no true wisdom without acknowledging my position before a Holy God. I must honor him and express reverence toward him and his Word. I must listen to him and obey him. Any attempt to be wise in my own eyes or to take God lightly or to figure things out apart from his counsel is foolishness. So many modern thinkers – even those who honestly confront the facts of societal decline – have weak and ineffectual suggestions for how to fix the problems because their remedies are purely secular (e.g., just spend more on education, etc.). They fail to acknowledge God or take him seriously.

Father, to you belongs eternal praise. I desire your wisdom and guidance in all things, especially for today. Thank you for your Word which provides continual guidance on how to live.