The Mystery of Human Will

Proverbs 19:21 “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

God is sovereign. His purposes cannot be thwarted. Yet there is a mystery contained in this truth because God has given mankind a moral will – the ability to choose between good and evil. When a man chooses to do evil, God still brings about his purposes. But how much better for that man to depend on God, to obey him, and to act for good. Then, as God accomplishes his purposes, the man acts in harmony with those purposes and shares God’s joy and fellowship. This is what the Bible means when it talks about life.

Father, my mind is filled with plans and scenarios related to my job. While this can be good and can be from you, the danger is that I get busy thinking and doing without carefully listening to you. Please increase my sensitivity to your voice. Don’t let me fear or get impatient to know what’s next and how you’re going to provide. You will provide. You always have. Your promises are true and you love me with an everlasting love. Thank you. I wait upon you and am excited to go wherever you send me.