Fight Pollution

James 1:27b “Keep [yourself] from being polluted by the world.”

The world’s pollution comes to us in a variety of ways, some blatant, some subtle. The blatant toxicity arrives through a variety of channels (TV, movies, books, magazines, news media, internet, etc.) in the form of porn, idolatry, lust, pride, greed, scorn for healthy relationships, abuse of power, rebellion, and fascination with all that is dark and twisted. The media can be shut off or filtered – it is just a matter of exercising the discipline to do it. Subtle pollution is more challenging because it can seem innocent or noble at first. For example, seeking to excel at work can evolve into craving for power and prestige and the adulation of others. The best defense is to develop a deep hunger for all that is holy, pure, and good. “Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy – think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8)

Father, please keep me and my family from the many forms of pollution that the world pumps out with ferocious consistency, 24 hours a day. Give us daily wisdom to choose the good. And please develop ever more deeply our desire for you, for the filling of your Spirit, for walking in your light, forgiven and free.