How to Be Zealous

Galatians 4:18 “It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good.”

Synonyms for “zealous” are fervent, passionate, energetic, forceful, intense. This kind of drive can be good if directed to the right purpose. The surrounding context of this verse is religious legalism (excessive adherence to law or formula) and its many dangers of enslavement and alienation. By extension, any passion that takes my focus off of Christ and his Word is dangerous. Deadly, actually. In the business world it is all too easy to become zealous for career (i.e., self) and to justify it in all manner of Christian-like intentions. To our great loss, we are only deceiving ourselves. Instead, I must be zealous about God’s good purposes and about producing excellent work for his glory.

Father, as opportunities unfold in my job, please keep me from self-seeking motives and actions. I desire to honor you with how I work, how I treat others, what I produce, depending on you moment by moment.