New and Utterly Different

2 Corinthians 5:17 “If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”

As a new creation, transformed (and in the continual process of being transformed) by the living presence of Jesus Christ, I must be utterly different from the world around me. I must act and think differently from my own old behaviors, habits, prejudices, ambitions, envies, grievances, lusts, and distractions. Where am I stopping short of rejecting the old and welcoming the new? Where am I still looking back or becoming re-entangled in the hazards from which Christ set me free?

Father, in my dealings with people this week – especially at work – please keep reminding me that I am a new creation. Help me treat every encounter with fellow humans as an opportunity to communicate the reality of your love – that your ways are about true life, that you indeed change people to the core, that Jesus forgives and rescues all who turn to him.