The Impossible Possible

Colossians 3:17 “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

What does it mean to do everything in the name of someone? It means to act as that person’s representative, to reflect that person’s character, to fulfill that person’s objectives and to make those objectives my own. This verse teaches that my words, my actions, and everything else about me should be permeated with Jesus Christ – and with gratitude toward my Heavenly Father. This can never happen in my own strength, but the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life makes the impossible possible.

Father, thank you for calling me to yourself. Thank you for giving me a purpose beyond myself and for surrounding me with godly people at work, at church, and in my family. I love being on this journey. Please fill me with your Spirit today so that I honor and represent you in everything I say and do.