Solve for the Root Cause

Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

I have read the analyses of many honest thinkers who unflinchingly call out the ills of our society: broken families, disdain for the unborn, softness on crime, political corruption, systematic removal of freedoms, etc. But so many fall short of proposing anything truly wise and enduring to address root causes. This is because many modern thinkers, even the best of them, reason in the absence of God and his revelation in Scripture. To gain wisdom about society’s deepest troubles, I must begin by recognizing my utter helplessness without God. I must come before him in humility and reverence. I must study his written communication to us, the Bible, and act on its instructions for living. I must constantly seek him in prayer. Only in the pursuit of God can anyone hope to find lasting solutions.

Father, so few follow you. In a world that grows more fearful, less secure, more broken, empty of hope, and despairing of life, somehow people still find ways to reject your message of Good News – salvation in Jesus Christ. Why are people so willfully and stubbornly blind? Their remedies and dreams of utopia always fail and yet they return to them again and again: socialism, communism, fascism, materialism, sexual hedonism, bigger government, the political strongman, welfare handouts that lead to enslavement, ever more money spent on education with declining results, gender redefinition, marriage redefinition, family redefinition, nature worship, and more. Please awaken people to the truth.