Give Yourself Up

Ephesians 5:25 “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”

How did Christ love the church? How did Christ love me long before I knew him, long before I even existed? He gave himself up for me. He emptied himself of his glory. He took on the nature of a servant. So, then, what does it mean to give myself up for Dawn? It means I am to look out for her needs, to honor and love her with acts of service, to go the extra mile even when I don’t feel like it. It means not insisting on my own way, but seeking to understand her perspective.

Father, thank you for your astonishing sacrificial love for me. Let your love flow through me to bless my precious Dawn. Help me get out of my own way of selfishness today so that I give myself up for her, truly loving her as you love her.