The Great Gain of Contentment

1 Timothy 6:6-8 “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.”

I have experienced this passage in very tangible ways over the years. Whenever I’ve put God first, obeyed him, and depended on his provision, I’ve found contentment and a heart of gratitude that nothing else can approach. I was dissatisfied with the achievements in my career, wanting more, desiring to stand out from my peers, frustrated with the roadblocks and setbacks, and expressing that frustration at home by ratcheting up criticism of Dawn and the kids. Then God began to change my perspective. I don’t know why he worked so patiently and persistently to awaken me to deeper truths about being his disciple, but I now have a fuller appreciation of his amazing love for me.

Father, thank you for this journey you’ve had me on at work. Thank you for gently leading me and correcting me – far more gently than I deserve! Thank you also for the frustrations and setbacks that prevented me from puffing up my ego and reminded me of my dependence upon you. It’s all been for my good. There is absolutely nothing like finding contentment in you.