The Invincible Opponent

James 4:6b “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

Human pride leads to broken relationships, failure to heed warnings, and a hardening of other vices. But far more terrible is to be opposed by the God of the universe. I stand no chance. What greater reason do I need to run from pride and pursue humility? The humble man knows that he depends on God for everything. He knows it is through God’s grace (undeserved favor) that anything good and truly meaningful and satisfying can ever sprout from his life.

Father, I desire your favor not your opposition. Please remind me when I’m tempted to think or act with pride that I am in danger of ruin, for I will never succeed against you. You are the Almighty God, the Author of Life, the One who gives meaning and purpose to my existence. Please keep me on the humble path, receiving your grace in every situation I encounter today.